Wednesday, June 3, 2009

What did Oliver do today?

June 3, 09

Oliver got into the kids blue toothpaste in the morning.  Then he harassed his sister by playing violent drums on her plastic bin that was doubling as a bed for her stuffed animals while she quietly played 'stuffed animals are sleeping '.   Dejected from her reaction, Oliver decided to chew on daddy's shoes again.  While packing I found a chunk of Bella's hair that Oliver took off this week.  Also while packing, he got into the fridge again, got a yogurt and smeared it all over his head and shirt.  The day is still young and filled with many messy opportunities.


  1. Wow - yeh...I agree with marty - more "what did oliver do" posts.
    One day his wife will thank you - you can read them at his wedding.
